Full control over game development

Tasks are divided into categories and can be linked to sections of the GDD. You will be able to visually see 👀, in what state this or that section of your game is
Individual approach: create kanban boards, work in sprints or simple TODO lists. You are choosing the work model that is convenient for your team
Reports on the work of departments and employees allow you to evaluate the progress, workload, and efficiency of both individual project participants and entire departments at any time of the day or night 🙂

Accelerating development

Don't do the job twice! You don't need to copy the game-design document to your task board. Tasks linked to game-design document are added to employees context and they begin to understand each other better
Exporting the parameters from game-design document into the code will reduce the cycle of testing the balance of the game – the game designer does not need distract the programmer from current tasks
Extensive game configuration management tools will allow build the admin panel of your game in no-code mode. Don't waste time developing your own editors

Project evaluation

Tracking visible and invisible dependencies
Assessment of tasks by the hour with reference to sections of the game design document
Scheduling tasks by day, by sprints